Dear friends,
We had wonderful celebration(s) this weekend! The Maryknoll campus was full of joy and excitement as many members of the entire Maryknoll Family came together to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Maryknoll Lay Missioners. We couldn't have asked for better weather in late August which really made the outside dinner in the area of the old apple orchard a spectacular evening after a very lively and meaningful Eucharistic Liturgy with Archbishop Timothy Dolan presiding. His engaging and enthusiastic personality delighted all!
There will be full report of of the event will be put together next week and it will be posted on the Monday Bulletin of September 13th. That report will make available the different talks and the homily given during the weekend, links to photos of the different activities and moments of the celebration, the mass booklet and program from the dinner in PDF and links to any further news coverage. For the moment and as a way of sharing the spirit of the weekend with all of you I encourage you to go to the link found below to see an article that appeared in area news papers yesterday. In the middle of the article you will find a photo link that has pictures of the liturgy. You will recognize many of the faces; Sisters Bitrina Kirway and Rebecca Macugay for the CLT, the priest holding the gospels as the archbishop kisses them is Jesuit Father Alex Zatryka of the class of 1985, the choir led by Patti Copeland with the participation of Cecilia Espinoza '85, Dave Kane '95 and BJ Muth '85, Bob Short and Shirley Mendes '78 presenting the 8 Core Values quilt made by Eileen Charleton '87 and Steve Paone '85 preparing to lead the procession. In the other pictures you will recognize many other friends like Grafton Olivera '85, Marie Parmley '84, Marie Dennis, Anne Carr, Chair of the Affiliate Board and many members of the Society and Congregation.
The weekend activities started off with Returned Missioners from the 1975 and '85 groups coming together for a fantastic time of updating and sharing what has happened in their lives since their sending. Mary D'Arcy facilitated "life sharing since sending". There were over 50 participants that included Returned Missioners, their families and former staff. The weekend also included a tour at the seminary and the mission museum that concluded with a fun dinner hosted by members of the Society. It was a fun time reconnecting with many friends that our Returned Missioners worked with overseas. Fr. Ernie Lukaschek along with Nancy Kleppel deserve a round of applause for planning and pulling this together. Much thanks to both of you!
On Saturday the jubilarians continued with Mary in the morning and then were guests of a potluck put together by local Returned Missioners and friends before an afternoon update on MKLM which included yours truly, Adrianna Melnyk, VP of Advancement, Fr. Bill Vos, Chairman of the Board and Mike Noonan and Mary Sue Smiaroski of the BoD. This of course was followed by the activities of the 35th anniversary and the night was drawn to a close with a lively Guadeamus in good Maryknoll tradition.
On Sunday the jubilarians and other guests joined the Maryknoll Sisters at their center for mass. Bill Vos was the celebrant and during the liturgy Cecilia and I renewed our commitment. After mass Sisters Anastasia Lott '84 and Claudette LaVierdere gave tours of the museum and the center. We were then their guests at lunch. It was a time for the jubilarians to connect again with many friends they worked with overseas. We really want to express our gratitude to Anastasia for organizing this part of the celebration and for great assistance in other activities. She organized vans and drivers from the sisters to provide transportation to and from the seminary to Bethany after mass. Much thanks!
Several of the jubilarians stayed until late yesterday or this morning so an informal sharing continued through Sunday. The whole weekend was really great and we thank our staff and so many friends from the area for their help and assistance in preparing for and carrying off the event. Father Bill Coy and Lynn Monahan '90 were photographers for the weekend and we look forward to seeing their photos.
With tremendous gratitude and in the spirit of Maryknoll,
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