17 DEC 2011 (VIS) - This morning in the Vatican, Benedict XVI received prelates
from the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference and the Conferentia
Episcopalis Pacifici, who have just completed their "ad limina"
In his
address to the group, the Pope spoke of the challenges "which are common
to all of you, in spite of the many social, economic and cultural contexts in
which you work". In particular, he mentioned secularism and its
"significant impact on the understanding and practice of the Catholic
faith. This is seen specifically in a weakened appreciation for the sacred
nature of Christian marriage and the stability of the family", he said.
"Ultimately, Christian faith provides a surer basis for life than the
secular vision. ... Thus, the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelisation
was recently established. Since the Christian faith is founded on the Word made
flesh, Jesus Christ, the new evangelisation is not an abstract concept but a
renewal of authentic Christian living based on the teachings of the Church.
You, as bishops and pastors, are called to be protagonists in formulating this
response according to local needs and circumstances in your various countries
and among your peoples".
Benedict XVI then reminded the prelates of the importance of caring for their
priests, "especially those who are experiencing difficulties and those who
have little contact with their brother priests. ... In our day young people
need more assistance with spiritual discernment so that they may know the
Lord's will. In a world affected by a 'profound crisis of faith', ensure too
that your seminarians receive a well-rounded formation". The Pope also
acknowledged the "significant contribution" made by religious to the
work of evangelisation, and the contribution of the lay faithful.
"I have had this opportunity to discuss with you the new evangelisation, I
do so mindful of the recently proclaimed Year of Faith, which 'is intended to
give a fresh impetus to the mission of the whole Church to lead human beings
out of the wilderness in which they find themselves'. May this privileged time
serve as an inspiration as you join the entire Church in the ongoing efforts of
the new evangelisation, for although you are spread among many islands and we
are separated by great distances, together we profess 'one Lord, one faith, one
baptism, one God and Father of us all'".
VIS 20111219 (410)
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