Hna. Inés de Mercado
"Yo vi un pueblo solidario, personas que se ayudaban y organizaban entre ellas, un pueblo que sabe sufrir; los niños ni lloraban cuando les curaban las heridas, aguantaban el dolor como si fuera parte integrante de sus vidas. Los que estaban mal dejaban que la ayuda la dieron a otro que lo necesitaba más, sin protesta ni reclamo. He visto que tenían un tanque de agua potable de cinco galones para unas 100 personas refugiadas y nadie cogió agua sin pedir permiso".
(Informe completo de la Hna. Inés, representando la Vida Religiosa de RD, adjunto)
"I saw a people in solidarity with one another, a people who helped each other, who took the initiative to organize themselves, a people who knows suffering. I saw children who did not even cry when they were treated for their injuries, as if telling us that pain is integral part of their lives. Others who were badly hurt allowed that help be given first to those who are worse than them – without complaints. I saw a five gallon container of potable water for 100 refugees and nobody took water without asking permission.”
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